God's love is the only efficient thing
Others are either fake or deficient
we don't know how to love
But God wants us to know that
Even in our ugliness and dirtiness
He still loves us all the same
He told me that he loved me
I looked at him and smiled
That I was as beautiful as the sun
That my heart was as pure as gold
That my legs were as perfect as the curves of a sickle shaped moon
That my lips were as succulent as fresh tomato
That my hips were as high as mount Everest
That my eyes were as clear as crystals
He told me I was his life
That I was the air he breathed
That I was his heartbeat
He wanted to show me how special I was
What happened oh my love ?
What happened to your glittering smiles?
What happened to those kind words of yours?
To your gentle touch that sets my soul ablaze
To your consuming gaze
What did I do wrong?
He told me he no longer saw flames in my eyes
He no longer saw a perfect goddess
"Damn it b***t you suck"
I was no longer the person he could not breath without
My world crumbled
My life came to a halt
I couldnt believe it
I was left in the dark
At last i see a light at the end of the tunnel
God is never going to stop loving me
Or the little gift 'he' left growing within me
Ekeomodi Gabrielle.G.M
Friday, November 23, 2018
''Self love, self crush,self motivation Is all you need to overcome Look deep and you will see That it is there within your reach...
Love!! What do you think of when you hear that world? Yes love is a world on it's own, a big planet Having satellites of lust , passion,...
Her eyes were glared The atmosphere already tensed She could not believe her ears All that she had ever led Was about to go bare Before her ...
''Self love, self crush,self motivation Is all you need to overcome Look deep and you will see That it is there within your reach...